Friday, August 29, 2008


Rock on John McCain. 

That's right. I am completely pumped up about his VP pick, Gov. Sarah Palin. She's from Alaska, pro-life, mother of 5, and a  maverick. Check her out at wikipedia if you want to read why she's such a great pick! Or, guess you can also click on the title of this blog and see why you should vote for McCain and why he did such a positive thing by picking her.

Also, I talked to Katie H. and she's already evacuated New Orleans. She said things are getting a little hectic down there and could only imagine what it's gonna be like tomorrow. Isn't it quite weird to think today is the 3 year mark of when Katrina hit the MS coast and New Orleans? I think it's safe to say that the LA coast hates the end of August. Gustav has promise of bringing something nasty with it. I know just down here in Jackson people are stocking up on flashlights, batteries, bottled water, and gas for their generators. What can we say? We know that hurricanes do what they want. Good thing gas has already gone up a quarter. 

On that oh-so-positive note, happy Labor day weekend! Hope plans haven't been ruined like mine had (sorry for not getting in your Bachelorette party Kage!!) and that you still enjoy your Monday off. Happy vacationing!

German word:

der flughafen: airport.

This Day is gone like it's night!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I see you are just as excited about Mrs. Palin as I am!