Thursday, September 3, 2009

Much easier than writing a new post.

Finish these sentences...
Maybe I studying for my biochem and genetics tests that are on tuesday..
My ex is....nonexistent.
I love...serving people.
People would say that I am....obsessed with watching movies.
I don't people think we'll understand all about the human body.
When I wake up in the morning...I should not hold a conversation for at least an hour.
I have lost...some memories that I wish I still had.
Life is full of...opportunities to see the world.
My past has taught me...that God seriously knows what He's doing.
I get annoyed...when I don't mark off all of my to-do list.
Parties are...the best when people dress up.
Dogs...are waaaay better than cats.
Cats...are worthless.
Tomorrow is...the beginning of the wonderful Labor Day weekend!
I have a low tolerance for...poor grammar.
If I had a million dollars...I'd travel to New Zealand.
I am terrified..of going blind.
I've come to realize that my last kiss...was something I don't think much about.
I am listening to...Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers soundtrack.. because that's some great study music.
I talk...on the phone more than necessary.
My friends... are so dependable and encouraging.
My first real a quite a funny story to tell.
Love is...why I exist.
Marriage is...something you need to make sure you're ready for.
Somewhere, someone is thinking....about peanut butter.
I'll always...remember the Alamo.
The last time I really cried...was something I don't want to relive.
My cell phone I stay in touch with friends.
Before I go to bed...I read my daily Bible.
Right now I am thinking excited I am to drive home and see my family!
Babies...are no where in my near future.
Today I...did an awesome Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.
I really want to...already be done with medical school :)

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Cats aren't worthless. :-) I'm going to get you a bird and a cat for Christmas.