Sunday, October 5, 2008

When Family comes to town..

Do you ever have those moments when you are at home that make you doubt your plan in life and desire moving back home with your parents? Well, if you haven't, then I hope you experience it one day. I came to home to hang out with the parentals on Thursday and have yet to return to Jackson (keep in mind the fact that I don't have work again until this coming Thursday played a crucial role in that decision.) Since being home, I have seen every member of my amusing and different family.

After having dinner with my parents on Thursday night, I finally shared my time with them with my brothers. Todd and Corky both came to town Friday night, to a meal of pot roast, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, and some FINE rolls. All of these were prepared but my mother and yours truly (more of the mother and less of the yours truly, to be honest). I have to admit that having my whole family (minus Caitlyn, and yes you were missed, sister) sitting around eating dinner and being together was a great feeling--even if they devoted much of their Friday night to watching BASEBALL.

Saturday came with many errands on the brothers' parts, and after a Front Door lunch and half time of the Ole Miss game, they turned back onto the road from whence they came. The rest of Saturday I spent with my lovely mother and was promptly into my pajamas and reading by... 7:30. Yes, I am cool.

Today was the final installment of the family time because the youngest decided to join us in adventuring in Columbus. Caitlyn couldn't resist the fact that every other child had been in town for the weekend, so she jumped on the band wagon. The girls of the fam decided to satiate their cravings and go to the Mexican Kitchen for dinner. We were all so eager to go that we had arrived, eaten, and left before 6:15 even thought about being. I felt like an 80-year-old mamaw for eating at such a young hour, but it happens to the best of us. I guess I should have felt like an old woman when I realized it was okay to put on PJs at 7:30 P.M. After finishing dinner, I went with my dad and fell into our old routine of a Sunday night movie, and we saw Shia Labeouf rocking out in Eagle Eye (where I will have a review for here). That brings me to now, and now means it is time to sleep. I just want to remind everyone that family is such a crucial part of my life, and I hope that it is for you, too!

German Word:
lieben--to love

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