Sunday, August 15, 2010

So long summers.

That title was scary to type. But I'll take a few moments to be dramatic here.. I have no more multiple month long summer breaks. Sure after college I did have a job or 2, but I conveniently started the first one in 2007 after summer was over and then quit and started my second job in 2008 after the summer was over... so, in one way or another, I've never had zero summer. Yikes. 25 years old and finally saying that.

I know those who have jobs gave up their summers long ago, but the difference right now between us med students and the working world is that we'll be paying people to keep us busy these next few "summers". Straight school, minimal breaks, you get the idea.

I'll be very honest with you.. I'm really nervous. I almost feel suffocated because I know what I am about to face. I remember last year, and every day I woke up and went to bed with the "I-should-be-studying" feeling. Even when I let myself take a break, I never really felt relief. But, I knew there was always something to look forward to--Christmas break, spring break, summer.. but this go round is different. While two of those breaks are still there, this time I also have the Step 1 test to study for at the same time as class.. so when I have those breaks, I won't actually enjoy them like I could last year. I know, I know. I signed up for this. I'm not saying I'm not going to make it through, or that I thought medical school would be easy. It's just an intimidating thing standing on this side with freedom, the day before it all begins. I know I can handle it. God doesn't give me things I can't handle. I know I will push through and come out a better person, but I just wanted to share a few feelings and ask for prayers and support for my classmates and me.

A lot of things are different this year for me, so I hope that with less distraction and more motivation I'll totally dominate medical school, year two. Have a great week!

Another shot from Charleston

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hope you can renew your focus in your doing well in school. Your attitude makes a big difference in your enjoyment of learning! Keep the faith and God will lead you through all of this! The years spent learning will only better the person you are and how you can reach and help others. I love ya!MA