I'm slacking again on the posts.. so until I make myself sit down and type something worth reading, I thought I'd use a couple of posts to give you an insight on some of the things we second year med students learn. I promise I'll try to make them somewhat interesting!
In microbiology right now, we just learned a little bit about antibiotics. Besides all the amazing things we've learned that they do, here's a special tidbit of information we found out in one of our lectures:
A man named Frank Tally did a lot of work with the Wyeth drug company. He's in all sorts of journals--pretty big deal--mostly because he helped develop antibiotics. Alas, after becoming an antibiotic guru, he got an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection later in life and died.
Just when you think life can't get any more
ironic, it does. Think of this post as a little reminder of how things could always be worse....
Seriously, if all that's on your hand, do not give me a high five.