Thursday, October 28, 2010

God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

God is still God, and God is still good.

The Story of Zac Smith (New Score) from NewSpring Media on Vimeo.

If that video doesn't work, click here.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Luke 6:27-28

Sometimes we need to remember we cannot stop loving people just because they are hard to love. In fact, this is when we need to love the most. That is one of the things that sets Christians apart from non-Christians. Even those who don't know Christ love people who are easy to love. To love an enemy--that, friends, is an amazing and glorious thing to do.

Luke 6:27-28
"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

Thursday, October 21, 2010


In an Intro to Clinical Medicine small group yesterday, I found out something that was mildly interesting--

So you know how some doctors ask you to say something like "blue moon" or "toy boat" when they are listening to your lungs? You might not have heard that--but know that it happens. Well, some doctors might have asked you to say "ninety-nine" instead. While in some medical books it says to do this, we learned yesterday that it is wrong to say ninety-nine. What? A book in medicine was wrong? Here's the funny thing--the reason it is wrong is because it was a German who first discovered that deep "o" sounds are what we need to listen to (I won't bore you with details on why) in the lungs and guess what ninety-nine in German is? Neunundneunzig. Ok, I know few people know how to pronounce what I just wrote out. Here's a key factor: the eu in German is pronounced "oi." So, in German, ninety-nine gives you the deep "o" sound (like toy boat), but in English, it doesn't. Some pretty important things really are lost in translation. Funny how so many things come back to German.....


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm slacking again on the posts.. so until I make myself sit down and type something worth reading, I thought I'd use a couple of posts to give you an insight on some of the things we second year med students learn. I promise I'll try to make them somewhat interesting!

In microbiology right now, we just learned a little bit about antibiotics. Besides all the amazing things we've learned that they do, here's a special tidbit of information we found out in one of our lectures:

A man named Frank Tally did a lot of work with the Wyeth drug company. He's in all sorts of journals--pretty big deal--mostly because he helped develop antibiotics. Alas, after becoming an antibiotic guru, he got an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection later in life and died.

Just when you think life can't get any more ironic, it does. Think of this post as a little reminder of how things could always be worse....

Seriously, if all that's on your hand, do not give me a high five.