Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lock Down

I had an interesting Friday night that I thought I might share. Here's the scene:

After posting my so exhilarating blog on Friday, I was (needless to say) running little behind schedule. I have half straight hair, not a drop of makeup ob, zero shoes, and 15 minutes to get ready. Well, we all know that when you get a little pushed for time, you get a little on edge. I had just let my brother's dog outside and he was already whining to get back inside. Something as small as that whine set me off. I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me, to tell him to quit whining. After telling him to sit, I turned around to go back inside... except I couldn't.. BECAUSE I LOCKED MYSELF OUT. Super. Awesome. This is so great. I LOVE my life. Oh, and did I mention that I left my phone inside?

So there I am, sitting outside the back door with just the doorknob locked. I don't know what in the world to do, and I'm already in a bad mood. Help. I first attempt to find anything that is outside that I can use to unlock the door. I came up empty. Sweet. So, after much contemplation and walking back and forth, I decide to go to my brother's neighbor's house (people to whom I have never said a word) and ask for help. I heard them talking outside and finally, I dug down deep inside to find some courage and politely said, "Excuse me? Is anyone over there?" I sounded harmless enough. I did feel quite silly, though. Fortunately, the wife answered and I quickly explained that I was locked out. Being the kindest woman ever, she let me borrow her cell phone. Now who I am going to call? The only people's numbers I know who could even think about helping are my parents (in Columbus), Todd (at his bachelor party), and Corky (at Todd's bachelor party). Gosh, this night just keeps getting better and better.

Well, after contacting my parents, with my mom probably wondering what kind of daughter she raised, I contacted Todd's future in-laws. No spare key in sight. The only spare key Todd has is, oh yeah, on my key chain, locked safely IN the door inside his house. Yay! The neighbors gave me a card to see if I could basically break into Todd's house, and the movies are liars. It is so not easy to get inside a locked house. Finally, after figuring there was nothing left to do, I call my parents back who have apparently already called a lock smith to come over. The neighbors have somewhere to go, so I thank them and watch them leave, along with my only means of contacting the outside world. Did I mention that, while this is happening, my friends are thoroughly freaking out because no one has heard from me, and its been 30 minutes since I was supposed to meet them.

Well, after all sunlight has gone, I sat in the driveway with nothing but a streetlight to comfort me, holding my brothers dog. I have no idea if the locksmith knows where I am, and I begin to get a little nervous. I began to pray because we all know that a girl by herself sitting in a driveway looks weird and unsafe. No lie, probably 2 minutes after I finished praying, my friends Nikki and Amanda drive up at Todd's, rescuing me from my near depression. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer and giving me amazing friends! About 5 minutes later, the locksmith arrived and so easily unlocked the door. At least it made for an interesting night. We'll holla!

German word:
Denken--to think
(..which apparently, I didn't do much of Friday night)

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